Is Starcraft: Remastered Safe (2025)

1. Is Starcraft Remastered a waste of time ? -

  • Missing: safe | Show results with:safe

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2. StarCraft Remastered Review - IGN

  • Missing: safe | Show results with:safe

  • This remake is all jacked up and good to go.

StarCraft Remastered Review - IGN

3. Is sc remastered dead? - General Discussion - Starcraft Forums

Is sc remastered dead? - General Discussion - Starcraft Forums

4. Starcraft Remastered. Was it a failure? - ResetEra

  • Nov 22, 2018 · Brood War is fine as it is, people just won't bother with something that will take them literal years just to understand what's going on let ...

  • Thanks to Battle.Net Black Friday sale, I got Starcraft Remastered. And man, it has been quite enjoyable to experience the original campaigns again with better resolution, the new portraits and the units looking better than before. That said, I got into Battle.Net to see how was the online...

Starcraft Remastered. Was it a failure? - ResetEra

5. StarCraft Remastered Reviews - OpenCritic

  • StarCraft Remastered is rated 'Mighty' after being reviewed by 24 critics, with an overall average score of 86. It's ranked in the top 4% of...

  • StarCraft Remastered is rated 'Mighty' after being reviewed by 24 critics, with an overall average score of 86. It's ranked in the top 4% of games and recommended by 96% of critics.

StarCraft Remastered Reviews - OpenCritic

6. Starcraft Remastered user reviews - Metacritic

  • A truly excellent game, remastered to have slightly less-old graphics and support for modern things like wider screens. While gameplay and routing in modern ...

  • Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.

7. Starcraft remastered cheats - General Discussion - Blizzard Forums

  • Nov 20, 2024 · It is safe to use in-game cheats wherever in the game. ... The cheat codes are fine in single player. In multiplayer matches they just don't do ...

  • is it safe to use in-game cheats in single player campaign? i’m stuck on the later missions and they’re just too hard for me

Starcraft remastered cheats - General Discussion - Blizzard Forums

8. Thread: Starcraft Remastered - TTLG

  • Mar 26, 2017 · It sounds a bit like Blizzard have realised that SC2's balance is such a mess of bad decisions and poorly-designed, mis-fitting units that they ...

  • Blizzard are making a HD remaster of the original Starcraft, while keeping the original gameplay exactly in tact (to the point that some players in the same game can be using the original 640x480 game, and others using the new remastered one.) Apparently they're also going to be giving the original Starcraft (non-remastered version) out of for free at the same time. It sounds a bit like Blizzard have realised that SC2's

9. Starcraft Remastered Reviews - Metacritic

  • There is an odd lack of quality in the aesthetics of units and buildings, it does not reflect the usual quality you expect from blizzard by far. Even though ...

  • StarCraft®: Remastered upgrades the essential sci-fi strategy experience from beginning to end. Welcome back to the original game and its award-winning expansion, StarCraft: Brood War.

10. StarCraft: Remastered Review: Space Wars Nostalgia - Pixelkin

  • Aug 29, 2017 · StarCraft: Remastered is a very faithful HD update to one of the best strategy games ever created. It suffers a bit from forgoing any gameplay or UI updates.

  • StarCraft: Remastered is a very faithful HD update to one of the best strategy games ever created

StarCraft: Remastered Review: Space Wars Nostalgia - Pixelkin

11. StarCraft: Remastered Review - Holding the Line | TechRaptor

  • Sep 4, 2017 · I'm happy to say that the answer is yes, albeit with some reservations. Playing StarCraft is like stepping back to a time when the Internet was ...

  • StarCraft is something which has become something more akin to a religion than a video game. It was a cultural phenomenon in South Korea and is still played by thousands of people all around the world nearly twenty years after its initial release. What is especially clear is when Blizzard Entertainment began entertaining the concept of a remaster, probably the first thing that they did was write "NO MEDDLING" on a whiteboard in all caps.

StarCraft: Remastered Review - Holding the Line | TechRaptor
Is Starcraft: Remastered Safe (2025)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 5870

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.